Sunday, June 25, 2006

"A nation's progress can be judged by how they treat their animals." - Gandhi

I was just flipping the channels (that would be non cable channels) and we have your 2-13 and 28 and 58 which are my 2 favorite channels as I can actually learn something! I was watching a repeat of a show I had seen a couple years back about Pale Male, the hawk that settled in Central Park in 2002. Nobody knows where he came from and why but he is still hanging out in the big apple and has had offspring and it is truly a remarkable story, not only of nature not being pushed aside but also a story of irony, as the park is entirely a man made forest. I love this and when I see opossums walking along the fence of my apartment it doesn't make me cringe but makes me smile and hope that these little guys can make it in the big city. Sure, they may not be as beautiful as Pale Male but they were here first and having survived and thrived for 70+ years (my place is circa 1927ish) I don't mind at all. I think maybe they have been surviving on the Canters leftovers...


Blogger Faith said...

Honestly, the first time I read your title, I thought it said that "A Nation's progress can be judged by how they eat their animals." I'm evil. I know it.

3:14 PM  
Blogger DarcyArtsy said...

Only if they are marshmellow covered!

10:30 AM  

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