I managed to have all kinds of fun over the holiday weekend and not get burnt or lose fingers! I to got my new roommate in the nick of time and he moved in Friday and I am happy to report that he is normal, friendly, has a good job and it gets better, he works at a hotel so he is going to get the cleaning ladies over for next to nothing, the hotel repair guy to fix the dryer and paint for next to nothing, he has connections at hotels all over with amazing discounts should I have a job soon and can travel again AND his Grandfather has a store like Home Depot in Downey and he gets a giant discount!! Now that is exciting, I can't wait to waste more money on this apartment that I don't own....So what does this apartment have to offer this young lad, you might ask? Let's see, he moved in as it was hitting one bazillion degrees and after settling in he used the toilet for the first time and as he flushed it, it blew into pieces! Welcome to your new apartment dude!! Truth be told, that toilet had a drip from the tank for eons and the slum lord tried to fix it and it still dripped and he lives in Australia so I just put a jar under it to catch the drips and as a result the ceramic was compromised and viola! Toilet broke, water gushed. Luckily I have 2 bathrooms so we waited until after the weekend and have a shiny new one in there as of today....what next??
Back to the fun, I got a call Friday from a friend who was going to play conga drums for an acoustic duo who play rock covers, if you can imagine that and it was the first time I had gone all the way to Burbank for something other than a trip to IKEA! I was really surprised to see so many restaurants and little bars in the place of all the old shops. I remember when my Grandma used to take me to Burbank to get my Patton leather shoes when I was 6. Years later I only remember Bobby McGee's, Bicycle Club and Black Angus as the places to go...yeah, it's been a while. I have to say that I really liked the Burbank Bar & Grill and they had a terrific patio to relax and have cocktails and watch the band. I even had an order of calamari that was great. I will definitely have to do BBG after the next IKEA trip!
Saturday I tried not to move much and later I was invited to be my friend Scott's beard for the night! I love him, so funny. We met the 3 other couples for dinner at a great Columbian restaurant on Melrose called LaFonda Antioquena It was amazing, so amazing that I ate meat! (chicken) and there was nothing without meat on the menu so it was that or starve...as if. I had the Milanese and the gang had pork, beef, some fish stew thing (It didn't look good to me but D said it was amazing) everyone was pleased and full and mine was so huge that I took half home with me. (Be sure to go check it out soon as their landlord is kicking them out. Booo) Afterwards we headed back towards Weho and stopped at Lucy's El Adobe across from Paramount Studios. This place has been there for years and click the link to see which stars would mingle at the El Adobe. We were going to have a margarita in the patio bar but decided that we would skip possibly being infected with West Nile Virus as the swarms of mosquitoes were everywhere, guess that would explain why we had the whole place to ourselves! We went inside and enjoyed the margaritas and conversations. I will see the peeps again this Friday for C's going away party.
Sunday I pretty much stayed in my room with my air on and I actually got the whole room almost organized, almost. M&M picked me up after work and we went to visit the Belmont. (I know they missed us) Some of their co-workers met up with us and we had a great time and I had my pound of snow crab legs for $7 so I was content indeed! I love that happy hour!!
The 4th of July was spent with M&M eating, big surprise and swimming in a perfectly refreshing but not too cold pool. Mark's co-worker Anna had a party and I must have eaten about 10 of these Russian cabbage filled and friend dough things, I forgot what they are called but I can assure you I will find them at the Russian market ASAP. The food was all great and so was the company down to the 4 month old shitzu. Now those are truly the only wrinkles that are cute. I got home and had to nap before watching fireworks out my back window. I think I was watching Culver City and then Marina Del Rey displays but it wasn't too bad for not leaving the house. And that was all I could squeeze in and if my camera would allow me to unplug it from the wall I would have photos of all the festivities but it thinks new batteries are old so it looks like you just get to read and click links and count how many spelling mistakes I make. Thank goodness Mrs. McDougal (RIP) doesn't read my blog!