Thursday, March 09, 2006

Baby needs a new pair of snowshoes!

People have often asked me if it gets cold in Vegas. My response, it gets freezing. I know it is not an obvious cold but more subtle, like ice on the sidewalks and frost on the grass and (what I hate the most) the freezing wind that feels like little razors cutting at your face. Brrrrr Yes, the desert is cold and Las Vegas is usually too low or just too cold to get any of the white stuff and if flurries do happen, they disappear as soon as they touch the earth. Sure, we had gone on vacations to the mountains and played in the snow but never would we have expected it to snow in our own backyard, not in Sin City!
It did and I remember. (though I was an infant, ahem) It was the first and only time in my life that the snow fell and stuck. It was January 1st, 1974 (not July as pic says, wishful if you have been there in the blistering summer) and it was magical. We bundled up and ran outside. The sky was glowing and the night air was somehow warm as if insulated by the moisture as the soft flakes gradually floated to the ground. I remember running around trying to do what every kid does and catch snowflakes on my tongue. It was eerie, no noise at all, like we were somehow sealed in a snow globe just after it had been shaken. My mother finally told us it was time for bed (buzz kill) and that the snow would be there in the morning. I don’t know that I slept much but I can tell you we were up and outside making snowmen ( I mean, I watched from my stroller….) and having a great old time for that one day, because the snow pretty much turned to black sludge by evening and then the evil wind returned and sludge was once again ice.


Blogger Ellen Bloom said...

Darcy! Is that a 1962 Corvair I see parked at the curb? Cool blog! See you at the WeHo SnB tonight!

Ellen B.

11:14 AM  

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