Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Jack Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

I was reading the hysterical celebrity gossip blog and came across this and I will have none of that talk, Kiefer!! Jack Bauer is not allowed to be killed off. Please kill off Audrey and the lame-O prez.... and sorry but daughter Kim hasn't even appeared on this season and I already know she has to go (have you seen her act in old episodes?!) but for the love of god don't take Jack away from all of us, your faithfull "24" fans!!
I can say that if Kiefer shows up in my office, that is the kiss of death. I have seen George Mason who took one for the team and went down with the bomb, Nina Myers, who was the best bad egg (fyi, George & Nina married in real life) and our favorite Michelle Dessler, who they wasted no time killing off the first episode of this season, poor Tony but hey he is still alive and if I have it my way, I will make no appointments for him or Jack. Stay away Jack, for your own sake!!


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