Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Last Chance

A visit to Pheonix wouldn't be complete without a shopping spree at Last Chance though not fot the faint of heart. This is truly an experience to behold, die hard bargain shoppers, stylists, boutique owners and fashionistas all ready to pouce on the steals rolled out of the back room by the poor stock girls. This place actually has rules! You can't take anything off her rack until she has hung it up and no grabbing and only a certain amount of some items allowed per customer like Coach bags or Juicy Couture sweats. All the booty has made it's way to Last Chance via Nordstrom but for waaaay cheaper. Sure, some of it is not suitable for wearing and has sustained damage (maybe from being fought over) but I can aways find something I can't live without. This time I was going for the shoes but no luck. I did manage to get out of there with a Michael Kors bag, Betsy Johnson dress and everything else you see minus a double breasted fitted white denim jacket I forgot to take a pic of but for all this I paid $135!!! That's right so get your cheap fare on Southwest Airlines, rent the car, go to last chance and still pay less than you would at Nordstrom and when you are done, hit Oregano's for lunch! Enjoy.
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