Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Shawn Cripps Posted by Picasa
I met Shawn and Tami at the old Hits in the old Hits building. They were there when I was hired away from Metal Blade Records and Shawn's son Ian was a baby! Last night at the 4th of July barbeque at Kyle's (Shawn's mom's) beautiful home in Larchmont, I was talking to Ian about his car and driving. Wow, I guess time truely does fly.
So the 4th weekend was great and I ate and ate. (great spread and loved the cobbler, Kyle) Yes, I did some shopping, hiked Fryman and had a Thai massage and did I mention that I ate. Here is another coincidence for you. My neighbor (Reggie) that moved out about a year ago had bought a home in Larchmont and as I was getting a ride from Mai (other neighbor) to Kyle's, I said "What if Reggie and Kyle live by each other" and they do, same street, same side of street, 1/2 block away! I will have to introduce them. Funny stuff.


Blogger DarcyArtsy said...

Lori Depp was on the grill and meat was a flyin'! She had every utensil known to man going. We had bbq chicken and apple chicken brats and potato salad, baked beans, a yummy salad, all kinds of Italian style veggies as Kyle just got back from Italy& France and was inspired. There was that amazing cobbler and more sweets and watermelon and I took some sweet strawberries and cookies. Too much of a good thing, I loved it.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Deena said...

Bragger!! LOL!!

2:18 PM  

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