Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Last night I got some more use out of the tent before taking it down so the sublet tenant (4th year anesthesiology student for a 1 month rotation at Cedar Sinai Hospital) will not think I have lost my mind! Hey man, I'm just a camper making due until the spring.
Anywho, Michele and Lori were coming over for a little knitting but it ended up that there was no knitting going on, just some eating and chatting. Michele was going to have everyone go to decorate pumpkins but instead Tim and Mark came over to tentlandia and had a couple beers and snacks. It looks like I found my next roommate for the December 1 move in, yep, Tim loves the apartment and it sound’s like we are on the same page when it comes to co-habitating so he is moving in when the sublet dude leaves. Perfect, cuz I was dreading having to put an ad on Craigslist to get someone I know nothing about so now I can relax. See how a tent brings people closer together.


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