Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I have been waiting for the pictures from CLUB last Saturday night but Anna, whose stripper name is Thumper Greenwood AKA “Star” has not sent them so here is the recap. I actually cleaned my (entire) apartment, okay I missed some dusting but that is why I only have gatherings in the evening and mostly candle lit! ;-) “Star” came down the hill Friday night and we went to Mishima for dinner and had a great fried edamamme appetizer. Got up early and headed down to the flower market and Trader Joes. Star ran some errands and I erected a tent in the empty room for the festivities, equip with cushions and candles for an intimate evening of chatting and snacking with the girls. Star made a giant batch of sangria and we got snacks ready for the girls. It had been 7 months since last CLUB so we caught up with each other’s lives and thought of many more CLUBs to have in the future, like CLUB Sedona, CLUB Big Bear, and CLUB Amsterdam! It was great to see Nibbles Cottonwood, Syd Gale, Suzi Stoddard, Reggie Kiowa, and Nic who’s stripper name we didn’t get as she left early but I’m sure they mistake her for some of the talent at her neighborhood Jumbo’s Clown Room all the time! We missed those that couldn’t make it but hope all the girls will make the next CLUB and bring lots of Barbies!! OX, Your host Freckles Count Wutzke (yes, Count Wutzke is a real street name in Vegas)


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