Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Bye Carrie and Good Luck!
I am starting to have abandonment issues. First Anna and Brad move up the mountain to a daily vacation in Big Bear then Terri leaves to New Zealand to explore Middle Earth and last night we said adieu to Carrie, who is heading off to the Capital to advance her education. What next! Oh right, Michele and Mark are also making plans to get outta Dodge. Sure, Michele tries to console by saying it won't be for a year but hello, we are already 6 months closer to next year and it happened so fast! There are only 190 shopping days until Christmas!!! Hey wait, I just realized that I have 4 less presents to buy....Michele, can I help you pack?
Posted by Hello


Blogger DarcyArtsy said...

I an evil, yes I am!

3:32 PM  

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