Friday, May 27, 2005

Pattern? What's a pattern.? Last night at stitch and bitch I took my first finished handbag to show Crystal, who taught me how to purl last week. I wasn't sure I was even making a bag but it took shape and I must say, not too shabby. I will have to make a few hundred by Christmas! Sure. Crystal said that she would like the pattern. I don't know how to break it to her, that just might not be possible! I've tried to decipher the mumbo jumbo in knitting books but alas, I seem to only be able to follow a few patterns in my life. Those being : 1) working at a job that goes nowhere 2) joining a health club and never going but having to pay hundreds of dollars anyway 3) starting 5 million projects and losing steam 4) using any extra funds to travel instead of , what is that word...saving? Right. 5) don't forget that hard to shake pattern of picking men that were just not right for me and then staying with them until they hated me, though I have finally broken the bad man pattern, yes! And I will never leave him because the is an amazing chef!haha 6) just not taking time to conquer and change said patterns. I do hope to gather momentum to finish at least 1 of the 5 million projects this year and then who knows, I just might have to take a trip to celebrate. Posted by Hello


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